Hockey prediction Vegas goalie Lehner owes creditors $27. 3 million. The hockey player declared bankruptcy

Blog of hockey predictions

Information has emerged about Vegas goalkeeper Robin Lehner`s debt to creditors.

The hockey player and his wife owe $27. 3 million.

In January, it was reported that Lehner had filed for bankruptcy. It was then noted that obligations to creditors ranged from 10 to 50 million dollars.

Part of the debt stems from his company SolarCode, which was sued by a lender for $3. 9 million over alleged nonpayment of a business loan.

Lehner`s main creditors listed in the new filing are Aliya Growth Fund LLC - Series X ($4. 75 million), Deutsche Bank Luxembourg ($2. 8 million), South River Capital ($2. 78 million), Eclipse Service, Inc. ($3. 9 million) and Taurus LLC ($1. 5 million).

Vegas, the NHL and the NHLPA are also listed as creditors.

In the documents, Lehner is mentioned as the owner of RL Exotics LLC, a company that operates a farm for growing reptiles, in particular snakes. It is stated that it is an operating business with three employees, requiring expenses for the maintenance and feeding of reptiles.

Lehner has been playing in the NHL since 2010. In 2018, the Swedish goalkeeper was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Lehner`s contract, with an average annual salary of $5 million, will run through the 2024-25 season.

Vegas goalie Lehner owes creditors $27. 3 million. The hockey player declared bankruptcy Hockey prediction - more details and information: Hockey prediction

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